Ab Fab Named the Top Home Accents Store on the West Coast... AGAIN!

Posted by Ian Souter on 26th Jan 2022

Ab Fab Named the Top Home Accents Store on the West Coast... AGAIN!

OK... I have to toot our own horn a little bit here. Our little corner of the universe just received yet another prestigious award from The Dallas Market Center and their ARTS Awards - a panel of respected leaders in the Home Accents industry.

You can read all about it in this post by Designers Today or one of the many other stories covering this industry event. But why not just watch a video?

This time, Ron wanted to give the speech (he's usually in the background, smiling, looking pretty (as a husband should! (haha))), so he did and it was absolutely lovely.

When we weren't attending galas in Dallas, we spend days and days - walking miles and miles - rifling through the very best new gifts, decor & home accessories new to the market.

Together, despite our awful flood and the arrival of the plague - excuse me - Covid, we had our best year ever last year. 

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Huntington Beach

See you all soon!